Teeth Whitening

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How is laser teeth whitening in Tirana

In our dental clinic in Tirana we use different types of whitening methods. What is exactly teeth whitening? This procedure aims to remove internal stains from wine, coffee, Tabaco, and food stains in general which are accumulated through time. There are two types of stains external and internal. Before the whitening procedure we always clean your teeth and polish them with an abrasive paste. This removes the external stain, the rest of the stain which has been absorbed by your enamel can not be removed physically through cleaning and polishing. Tha’ts where whitening treatment comes to place. 

How does laser teeth whitening work?

  1. After cleaning a lip retractor is applied to avoid your lips from touching the whitening gel. 
  2. Your teeth are dried thoroughly and a gingival barrier gel is placed onto your gums to protect them from the contact with the gel. A special blue light is used to set this material.
  3. The gel then is applied through a syringe tip to the outer surface of your teeth. The whitening gel principle ingredient responsible for internal stain removal is Hydrogen peroxide which contains Oxygen molecules that make it possible for the stain to disintegrate and come out.
  4. Once the gel has been placed on all teeth we then proceed in turning on the “laser” which is a special machine that emits a blue LED light 440 to 465 Nm wave length. The light speeds up the process of gel activation.
  5. The procedure lasts 15 to 20 minutes then the gel is removed and re-applied a second or a third time.

Teeth whitening side effects

We hear the question all the time: “Does teeth whitening damage my teeth”

As stated in ADA and CDA teeth whitening if administered by a dentist or dental hygienist is safe. It is not recommended to perform it very often as long term effects are not known. Based on our experience in our denital clinic in Tirana, teeth whitening if done once every couple years is safe and it does not cause any negative effects to your enamel. With proper hygiene it is not necessary to do it often.
Another common side effect of whitening is sensitivity after the treatment. This is temporary and it goes away within couple hours to maximum a day. If symptoms persist you should call our office and further recommendations will be given

At home teeth whitening

Another way to whiten your teeth is at home with custom trays we at Toronto Dental in house lab prepare for you. We take an impression of your teeth and fabricate a soft tray you can wear at night. It has a special container that looks like a bubble designed to hold the gel. You can apply a drop of material, dry your teeth and place is immediately onto your teeth. The gel contains carbamide and is not as strong as the gel used in office treatments. It is safe and if used as prescribed by the dentist, will not give you any sensitivity. 

You can wear it as many times as you like. For the initial treatment we suggest 5 to 7 days then occasionally when you feel like you need it 

How long do whitening results last?

The results of teeth whining depend on your diet. Just because you whitened your teeth it doesn’t mean they  will remain white forever. You need to follow your oral hygiene regime as usual and clean your teeth every 6 months at the dentist. Typically it lasts 1 to 2 years but we rarely see patients that go back to the initial shade.

How much is teeth whitening in Tirana

We use the most well known whitening brands, Zoom and Ultadent products for our patients. The cost of in Office teeth whitening treatment in our clinic is 180 Euros for 3 full sessions that are done same day. At home whitening treatment costs the same and it comes with custom trays and 10 refill syringes. 

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